This expansion for Democracy 3 adds new dilemmas and policies which allow you to exert subtle change upon your country. Income taxes and Economic policy are big blunt instruments, but with social engineering you get to influence the population in far subtler ways. From TV ad campaigns to promote healthy eating to free parenting classes, city farms and a smart-meter program, these policies use the more subtle 'nudge' techniques to encourage behavioural change amongst your population. A total of 26 completely new policies and 8 new dilemmas are available, regardless what country you are playing. |
What challenges are to come for the politicians of the future? Mass unemployment due to the automation of factories? or will this lead to a leisure society and equality? Will ubiquitous drones lead to better law enforcement and less traffic congestion or to widespread crime and infringement of privacy? Should we give the go-ahead to human cloning? will climate change cause problems for our country? Are we going to run out of rare earth metals? or oil...? The people look to YOU for leadership in these turbulent times. Can you keep the country happy and prosperous as we head to the 2020s and beyond? |
This expansion for Democracy 3 adds 33 new situations and policies that reflect the more extreme side of politics, all within the framework of a democracy. Fed up with just adjusting taxes and government spending in the conventional sense? Perhaps you think your people need the national anthem sung at the start of every news broadcast? or maybe what they are crying out for is a ban on divorce, or same-sex relationships? Alternatively you might like to close your countries airports to save the environment, or maybe outright ban private education? How far to the extremes can you take your country and still maintain the support of the people (and avoid some of them putting a gun to your head). Democracy 3:Extremism, for when fiddling with tax rates simply isn't enough! |
Have you ever thought that the voters in Democracy 3 seemed a little bit *too* rational? a little bit too analytical about how government policy affected them? Blind to the public image of the candidates, unconcerned with the sound-bites and slogans of a real-world political campaign? Ever thought that your role as president or prime minister was suspiciously isolated from ther concerns of wealthy party donors and public perceptions (even wrong ones) of your governments motivations? Democracy 3: Electioneering brings emotional irrationality to your electorate! |