Corrupt crocodiles
Political Animals is an election simulation game set within a fictional world populated by corrupt crocodiles and meritocratic mice. In a political contest where corruption is always around the corner, we want players to find out how incorruptible they really are.

In a world where politicians are animals and corruption is everywhere, do you have the integrity of Mousey, or the ruthlessness of Croccy? Will you fight your campaign on issues and in the best interests of the people, or will you succumb to the easier path of bribery and intimidation? Will you win votes...or will you buy them?
Turn-based strategy
This new turn-based strategy game is being developed by Philippines-based studio Squeaky Wheel and published by Democracy-3 developers Positech Games. Political Animals features a choice of playable characters, a choice of different maps and a number of strategies you can employ to win over the population, district by district.

Each turn you spend points to move your candidate and their supporting 'agents' around the political landscape to whip up popular support. You can bribe the voters to support you, raise funds from the wealthy, give gifts to the influential local district patrons, or hold rallies to build grass-roots support from the electorate. Along the way, expect to encounter random events, scandals and the agents of your opponent.
Raising funds
Like any modern election campaign, finances will play a big role in your day-to-day electioneering. Raising funds is a big part of your candidate's role, and you will find yourself crisscrossing the islands to empty the pockets of the wealthy in a 'good' cause. Of course, it's no good raising money if you don't intend to spend it, but the choice between campaigning and bribery is one that only you can make.

Don't think you have to play the part of 'goody-two-shoes' Mousey, you can play Political Animals any way you want. Fill your campaign team with thugs and agents that will intimidate the opposition, blockade them from entering certain districts, or maybe if you prefer a subtler form of corruption, fabricate some press scandals to ruin your opponent's image. After all, all's fair in love, war and politics right?
A pig in a bow-tie
Political Animals is the perfect antidote to the reality of modern political campaigns. Distressed by your own country's politicians? Why not fight the good fight as a politically savvy chicken or a pig in a bow-tie? Politics will never get you down when sex scandals involve scantily dressed cats and the only political violence comes from police-helmet wearing warthogs.

Whether you want to hide your email server under the hen-house or build a wall around the chickens and get the fox to pay for it, Political Animals is likely to be the best political strategy game involving hyenas you will see this year. The game is ON SALE NOW on Steam,GoG and the Humble Store as well as direct from us. Also, don't forget to follow us on Twitter and like us on Facebook..
Developed by Squeaky Wheel
Published by Positech Games