Game Design, Programming and running a one-man games business…

Ongoing language support for Democracy 4

I have been doing a bunch of work on language support for Democracy 4. The game is still in Early Access, and I’ve been adding new content (mostly new countries, and some associated policies and situations for them) as well as play balancing and tweaking stuff, and fixing bugs. Out of all of these, the language support one is probably the most invisible to the majority of players.

Initially, like most games, Democracy 4 was just in English. We had gone to VAST expense and trouble to make it natively support Unicode text and rendering any text imaginable, which meant that we really did need to leverage that investment by supporting multiple languages. Right now, the completes supported language list for the game is as follows:

  • English
  • French
  • German
  • Italian
  • Spanish
  • Polish
  • Russian
  • Brazillian Portuguese

Generally speaking, in the old days of shipping stuff to retail, people used the term EFIGS, for English, French, Italian, German and Spanish. That was considered the ‘sensible’ list of languages to support. I think in 2021 its worth expanding into Polish (they love strategy games) and Brazilian Portuguese. There is a strong argument also for Japanese and Chinese, although the sales chances for a game called Democracy in China may be lower than normal.

I know a lot of devs use crowd sourced translation services like localizor, and I *started* doing that,m but basically its hellish because the work is hard to verify, can get stuck at 95% complete, and you cannot easily be sure that everyone is using the same terms. This really matters, because using president in one sentence and prime minister in another and chancellor in a third…all as translations from the same English source can be a confusing nightmare.

So we ended up getting paid translations, either from individuals, or from a professional translation service (which is more expensive, but I guess easier to manage and ultimately sue if they were to just send you a badly done mess.

As with every translation ever, done by anyone, at any point in human history… people always complain that some phrases or words are badly translated. As someone who only speaks a single language (C++) I really have no idea. I have to just read every comment and in extreme cases do a reverse google translate to see if everything looks legit.

Of course, getting text translated is just part of the battle. In most cases, the other 99% of this blog post would be about Unicode, and rendering languages that have so many characters you cant fit them in texture memory (joy!) but actually I’ve handled that before, and Jeff managed all this for me using things called pango and cairo and other magic, so actually this is a ‘solved problem’ in many cases.

So now I am down to the final part of the puzzle, which is making sure it all ‘looks’ ok. As expected, there are lots of places where things go wrong. For example here:

And also here:

I’ve already those, and a bunch of others, but its by no means exhaustive. I guess the lesson learned here is to assume that ALL text may be 100x as long as expected (or 10x as small), and code defensively at all times to accommodate this. It feels like 99% of devs currently use unity and unreal, so you are relying on the 3rd party vendors to have automatically fixed all this for you I guess. And if it isn’t fixed…well good luck?

The only problem with going through and doing this is that its hard to persuade players that this is valuable work. Someone who speaks English and bought the game in Early Access is not going to care that certain screens (that look fine to them anyway) now look better in Polish or Russian. Because EA players can be VERY DEMANDING in terms of expecting the developer to work 24/7 throughout Early Access, my only worry is that people think development slows down as I fix all this.

Thats probably unlikely as I already have a bunch of stuff listed as going into the next update:

[1.26 (in development)]
1) Removed duplicate effect from firearms laws to armed religious communities.
2) Removed duplicate impacts on luddite riots.
3) Fixed some harmless debug warnings about missing neurons.
4) Intel readouts are now inverted for situations where a policy reduces security effectiveness, such as Press Freedom.
5) Fixed error where a total ban on handguns actually reduced security, instead of boosting it. Ooops.
6) Fixed support for names for each slider setting in modded policies.
7) EU situation now renamed to EU membership, also now boosts stability and foreign investment.
8) EU countries now benefit from the Erasmus programme, which boosts youth income & happiness and also education.
9) Import tariffs can now not be implemented by EU members.
10) Made some impacts of banning low mpg cars scaled by EV transition, and introduced support for inverse variables and 6-variable equations.
11) Cyberbullying Awareness Policy now slightly reduces Internet Crime.
12) Universal Basic Income (UBI) cost now quadrupled so it reflects the correct figure.
13) The Polarization situation now explains its effects better.

I think ultimately tweaking the UI for multiple languages is very worth doing, because its a BIG world out there, and frankly the majority of humans do not speak English. At some point, (maybe we have already crossed it?) the majority of strategy gamers will not speak English either. If you want a game to be around a while (I hope to still be selling this game in 2028) then you need to plan ahead and look at who will be playing it.

Updated Democracy 4 to build 1.24

Here are all the exciting changes!

1) Improved new game debt slider so it always defaults to the middle and allows zero or doubling the debt.
2) Added Tobacco Awareness Campaign to the Canada, Australia and Spain missions.
3) Cynicism has a stronger effect now.
4) Added a link between inequality (low equality) and violent crime.
5) Added a link between average temperature and violent crime.
6) Edits to South Korea Mission: President not Prime Minister, Removed Royal Family, Added State Broadcaster.
7) Fixed bug where the North Korea threat could we warned about to any country!
8) New Australia-specific dilemma: Mining on aboriginal lands.
9) Australia gets a default energy industry boost, and some other values have been tweaked.
10) Australia now has stronger impacts on CO2 from renewable energy due to good solar power potential.
11) Fixed bug where the financial cost of situations never seemed to change.
12) France and Germany now have an EU Contribution situation that costs money, Spain has EU Subsidy situation as income.
13) Added EU Monetary policy to France, Germany and Spain. Effectively uncancellable Quantitative Easing.
14) Members of the EU can no longer impose capital controls.
15) Optimizations to startup, and general UI.
16) EU countries now have a 4x multiplier to the political capital required to change immigration / tariff rules, due to needing EU agreement.
17) The US now has custom names for ministers (like sec of state etc…)
18) The US now has reduced anger at handgun laws from parents, reduced anger at armed police from liberals, and higher default racial tension due to it’s history.
19) UK now has a monarchy situation.
20) Added Nuclear Weapons policy.
21) Fixed tooltips on customise mission screen, and we now hide 3rd party details if not enabled.
22) Fixed bug where start of new game added one turn’s deficit to the debt.
23) Increased Canadian government debt to the correct (much higher) figure.
24) Private Prisons now also reduce the severity of prison overcrowding.

BTW the game is currently 30% off on steam. OH MY GOD Grab it now etc.

CPU/GPU concurrency in video games

I’m no graphics programming expert, and not really any kind of programming expert, unless you want a strategy game coded with its own engine, in C++ for the windows platform in which case *cracks knuckles* I’m pretty experienced. (Actually I dont know hot to crack my knuckles).

What I do know,. is what to look out for, when you are worried about performance. One of the things I learned early on, was learned REALLY early on, when I made a game called Kombat Kars (probably in directx5) and was working on particle systems. To make it clear just how many aeons ago this was, lets take a look at an epic image of the rear boxart (yes! retail!)

Kombat Kars (2001) Windows box cover art - MobyGames

Yup, its not the frostbite engine.

Anyway, I was working on optimizing the drawing of vertex buffers full of particles, or asteroids or whatever, and I was depressed to discover after doing some cunning batching of my draw calls, that the performance went DOWN. Yup. Making the game more efficient in how few draw calls it made, made the game run SLOWER.

How can that be?

Actually super-easy, barely an inconvenience, but to understand why, you need to conceptually understand whats going on in the box when you run a PC game under windows. You basically have two CPUS. One of which is on the motherboard and is general purpose, the other is on the video card and specialized for processing vertexes and shaders and so on. It used to be 95% CPU work, and 5% GPU work. These days the GPU is often the most expensive, and powerful component in the box. On a lot of setups, the capabilities are fairly equal.

Its that equality of power that can actually cause problems. The peak performance of the machine is when the CPU is 100% busy (all threads!) and AT THE SAME TIME the GPU is 100% busy (multiple streams at once etc…). This is almost impossible to achieve, but its possible to actually make things worse than they should be, when you get too obsessed with batching.

If you don’t care about performance you code like this:


Then one day you read some articles about the reason your frankly low-poly indie game runs at 20fps is that you have WAY too many draw calls. You read about batching, and your new code looks like this

for(int n = 0; n < lots; n++)
for(int n = 0; n < lots; n++)

And all is good in the world, because suddenly you are not flushing the queues on the video card every nanosecond, and its doing what it likes to do, what it was BORN to do, which is to stream through a whole ton of data like a sieve and throw polygons at the screen fast! But hold on…things can go wrong…

for(int n=0; n < eleventybillion; n++)

This can actually be a REALLY BAD IDEA. Why? surely batches are good right…? well…to an extent. It really depends how you structure the code. It *might* be that during all those bazillion PrepareAMesh() calls, the GPU has run out of things to do. Maybe it hasn’t done ANYTHING yet this frame. It finished the last frame, and now its basically watching netflix waiting to hear from you some day…

…and once the CPU calls the GPU to render all bazillion polygons, depending how you structure the code, the CPU may be doing nothing. Maybe this is the frame end, and the CPU has to sit on its ass waiting for a Flip() or present() call from the GPU to get back to it some time maybe next week after the rendering is finished, when it can start thinking about the next frame?

This is the CPU/GPU concurrency issue. You can be TOO BATCHY. You can inadvertently set things up so that the GPU is always waiting for the CPU and the CPU is always waiting for the GPU. This is BAD for performance.

Luckily, free apps like VTune let you analyze this. FWIW Democracy 4 has no such problems with this at all, but to show you how it looks, here is the output of a very brief snippet of the vtune CPU/GPU concurrency analyzer:

You can see near the bottom how busy the GPU and CPU are. Luckily for me, they both keep pretty busy, even if I zoom in a lot to see the span of individual frames, but if your zoomed in CPU/GPU concurrency stuff shows big empty blocks within a frame, you have some optimizing to do.

The reason this catches out so many experienced coders is that it *sounds wrong*. Surely batching is good right? It is… but you have to remember that if the GPU would otherwise be sat on its ass eating crisps, even doing a bunch of small inefficient batches of 50-100 vert each, is MORE efficient that just letting it sit idle.

Think of the CPU/GPU as a team trying to do the dishes. The CPU is washing em, the GPU is drying them. Don’t let either of them stand idle.

Improvements to the political compass / voters opinions

I’ve been trying to improve voter behavior in Democracy 4 with a bunch of goals. Firstly to maker the political compass Overton window not look so ‘forced’, and more importantly, to allow for more realistic modeling of the variety of opinion. As some players have pointed out, there is always SOMEONE in the electorate who will not ever vote for you, always some communists, always some capitalists, and so on. How to fix this?
Here is the political compass for a new game as Australia:

And here it is with my new changes I am considering:

The voters are less confined to the Overton window, and yet are still influenced it. We clearly have people far to the left of the political consensus zone, but not quite as far left as Stalin and Lenin. I think this makes sense. Even people who are claiming to be outsiders and not swayed by the mainstream media or mainstream politics are still vaguely influenced away from the extremes.

The (debug-mode-only) tooltip data for impressionability illustrates this. The game has always modelled the ‘impressionability’ of voters, but with recent changes, I’ve improved how this calculation is used to determine a final opinion. Here is the final calculation:

Final Socialism = (CurrentGlobalSocialism * Impressionability) + (InnateSocialism * (1-Impressionability))
(This is a new equation for this version, it was different before)

So every voter is born with an innate predisposition to socialism (also liberalism) or not, and this is their ‘starting’ position. They then get swayed towards the ‘consensus’ position (Global Socialism) by how impressionable they are.

Impressionability is calculated as a normal distribution but then squeezed in so its between 15% and 85%. (Its then multiplied by 0.95 which is an internal value and not important…)

Note that if the ‘Polarization’ situation is active, the value of InnateSocialism gets pushed out to the extremes by the strength of the situation.

I need to do a lot of play testing, but I think this change will make the game feel more realistic.