Game Design, Programming and running a one-man games business…

Bigger Battles. Working on various bits…

I’ve been improving the explosion effects today (not shown below) and also adding a glow effect when armour takes a hit (not shown) and adding a few more spaceship graphics to the game. There is such a lot to do, but I’m already having great fun watching the fleets fight. I also tweaked some of the visual effects for a few weapons. I need much better beam laser effects now that you can zoom in and they are so big. They just blurp out of nowhere and look shit :D

Better Damage Trails (maybe?)

Amongst other stuff, I’ve been listening to feedback on the damage thing and changed some stuff. Plus adding some new artist-drawn ships to the game. Here is the results:

Changes I made:
Redid the damage textures for some of the ships
There are now 4 different variation of smoke sprite
The smoke sprites now spin slowly
The smoke sprites use a newer texture, sampled from real explosions so they aren’t as black
I changed lots of emmiter variables too so it seems to billow a bit more.

It looks better without shitty youtube compression :D

Damage texture and particle video test

This doesn;’t look as good as it will, and I’m nto happy with it, but I’m working on damages to ships today, and trying to get both reasonable damage texures (fail!) and nice particle effects for both moving and stationary damaged ships.

Without ILMS budget this is hard. Also, this is primarily a test of the idea of capturing video and posting it to youtube for comment. Let me know your thoughts. I shrunk the window to 800×600 so the capture was high quality and small filesize. Lots of stuff here is placeholder.


Part of today was spent on the fleet design screen adding pilots as a requirement. This is something I’ve got from the old travller game. Basically some missions will have a limited number of trained pilots for your ships, thus limiting the number of small fighters that are viable for your fleet.

I also finalised which space backgrounds would go with each mission. Then it was on to some graphical stuff…

I’ve added a new weapon, which is an ECM blaster that knocks out the targeting systems of a ship for a few seconds. Ideally you would have a ship that acted as ECM cruiser to knock out the weapons of the enemy cruisers before you sent in your fighters and bombers to blast them to bits :D. As a result, I need a graphical effect on the target ship to show its been zapped.

The existing shield effect isn’t the same sort of thing, because it’s a seperate sprite drawn on top which surrounds the ship in a sphere. I needed something that ‘hugged’ the outline of the target ship. In a 3D game, you would maybe have an animated texture which you applied to the ships mesh, but these ships are sprites so that won’t work. The solution has been to layer two textures together and render them in one pass. Basically, I have a generic ‘lightning effect’ texture which is drawn on top of the ship, but I tell directx to use the alpha channel from the ships sprite as the alpha, and the color data from the lightning to draw the effect.

That bit was a pain to get right, but once done, I then needed to animate it. That is being done by having two lots of texture coordinates for the effect sprite. I leave the first set (for the ship, used as the alpha mask) at their defaults, and the effect color layer uses the second set. That lets me ‘ripple’, scroll or shake the effect texture, and still have it ‘wrap’ closely around the outline of the ship. It works, but I need to program a decent movement effect, and do a proper effect texture. Then I’ll post screens :D.

Pay attention to trigonometry

Do you want to program computer games?

Do you understand trigonometry?

If not, you need to. I (rather famously) do 2D rather than 3D games. But that doesn’t mean I don’t use maths. I use a lot of maths, every day. The one area I use all the time, is trigonometry. A sine wave is a beuatiful thing. A curve that simple (in maths terms) is just incredibly elegant and finds its way into everything. It’s amazing how often you need to express something in a game in terms of a nice smooth curve. Knowing the (very simple) maths behind a sine wave, and similar functions is just vital if you want to code games.

Geometry and trig is taught really badly at school. Do you know the ‘real world’ examples used to illustrate the usefulness of this stuff at my school? I remember it to this day, “imagine you work in a factory where you need to calculate the volume of a can of baked beans”. How about this: “imagine you have the most tedious job in human history”.

Now imagine how games coders use it.

“Imagine you are making a smooth oscillation of a spaceship laser beam as it sweeps across space attempting to lock onto an enemy fighter”

“Imagine a spaceship has exploded and you need a smooth way to fade in and out the brightness of a shockwave which occurs as the ship blasts into pieces.”

If you are still at school, pay attention during maths. Trig used to be pretty useless (although I even used it as a boatbuilder) for most jobs. For the really cool jobs involving things exploding, it can be bloody useful.

Don’t underestimate how well you need to know this stuff. I got an A in my maths O level a year early, I got an A in stats a year later. I was top of the whole year in maths. I got 100% on my maths O level mock. And in programming terms, I SUCK at maths. I used to ask other coders for help with maths stuff. Being the absolute best at maths might not get you the girls when you are sixteen, but it really matters big time later on. Study the maths.