Game Design, Programming and running a one-man games business…

Zoomable map

I decided that a combination of wanting the option to expand and do big things, plus the fact that it’s about time the non-battle parts of GSB stopped being scared of resolution-independence, meant that the GSB campaign map should be zoomable and scrollable.

This also means I can add more icons and data around a planet that you can zoom into. It therefore makes it easier to represent fleets as icons next to a planet, and makes it theoretically not a big deal to let the player have multiple fleets, at different worlds. That allows you to build up ships steadily at a shipyard in a safe system and send off ships to join the main fleet later on.

It effectively makes the campaign map a proper big Total War style campaign game. Which is a big step from just chaining a few missions together. But hey, who doesn’t like big campaign maps connecting battles together?

I haven’t got anything to really show off today, and it will be a few days before there is anythign visual done. By then I might have more l33t stuff to show you.  To answer someone’s question, the campaign will not be a free patch, it will be some sort of DLC. It’s still better value than a single flipping horse mesh which blizzard want $25 for.

Campaign Encounters, Patch 1.37

GSB got patch 1.37 recently. It did some weapon-balancing, plus some bug fixes and new features, like that new post-battle stats stuff I talked about a lot on here. It also increased the variety of ship debris, a side effect of preparations for an eventual new race.

In addition to finally getting that sent out, I’ve been doing campaign stuff. The map now looks like this:

Which is very similar, but those tiny icons are my placeholders to show facilities at each ‘encounter’ (basically each planet). The current types of facility are as follows:

  • Repair yards
  • Factories
  • Shipyards

The factories and shipyards come in 3 flavours. My current thinking is that the factories generate cash each day (real world day) if they are under your control. The repair yards let you fix your ships (rather than letting you do it regardless of where you are) and the shipyards let you build new ships, of a class dependent on the shipyard (Only the best yards can construct new cruisers).

I have all the code done to place these things, and load and save their data. The actual facility code to generate cash and the code that restricts or enables shipbuilding and repairs isn’t done yet. The plan is to have a game thats more in-depth than GSB was in its vanilla form, but nowhere near as detailed as a normal 4X game. There are plenty of 4X games already, I’m trying to do something different, by making the battles the focus, rather than the resource-gathering.

And yes, this expansion has mushroomed into serious feature creep. Typical…

Now I need to go pour some wine so I can enjoy the first ever political leadership debate in UK history. In 30 minutes time…

Gratuitous Campaign

In amongst everything else, work continues on the campaign mode for a future expansion / game / whatever for GSB.

Here is what the map currently looks like (very work-in-progress).

Originally I had planned to just string together a bunch of scenarios (new ones) and have them play out like a very simple singleplayer campaign. The big difference, and what made this worth playing, was that you kept the same fleet, so for the first time you had to design fleets that were all-rounders, rather than tailored to a specific enemy. This would make the game more strategic, and elss trial-and-error, and would be l33t. I still like this, and I’m keeping it.

However, for whatever reason I started thinking bigger than that and I am increasingly linking in the online challenges with the campaign. Now the map is entirely online-integrated. What this means is as follows:

You grab your fleet and move it to planet X. The game tells the server that you have moved to planet X, and it sifts through a list of all possible enemy fleets it has stored that will provide a decent challenge for your current fleet, and one is selected for you. That fleet, together with its orders and deployment gets downloaded and becomes your enemy at planet X. That fleet *might* have been designed by me, or it may have been a fleet extracted from an existing online challenge. In other words, you are playing against someones challenge fleet. (If you dont have expansion pack races, they won’t show up, you will get vanilla enemies.)

That fleet might out-gun you, or maybe you just aren’t equipped to fight against it for whatever reason. If so, you can retreat, and choose a different path. Here is where it gets fun:

if you decide to go back and fight that planet X challenge again, the server remembers, and YOU get the same enemy again. there is no going-around them if you want to go to planet X. Not for 24 hours. Then, then server ‘forgets’ who was there, and you may get a different fleet if you try again. Thats 24 hours in the real world. As in, come back tomorrow.

Everyones fleets will be different, and people will be at different skill levels, so the fleets are not persistent across everyone. Every player has a unique view on the world, its just that the fleets they encounter are player designed.  I’m trying to design this to be ‘massively singeplayer online’, in that you are playing a changing, dynamic, partly player-populated world, but without the direct competition or griefing that can ruin most MMOs.

All of this stuff is in and working. It’s the other 99% I still need to code :D. I have grand plans for the ‘point’ of the campaign game. I want a freeform universe for you to explore and conquer with your fleet, and need to add some capabilities to different worlds to encourage you to move your fleet around. Plus achievements and so on. There is a ton to do, I want it to be l33t. In the meantime, there will be another new race coming to the game.

Yoru thoughts on how this stuff will work, are most welcome.

Election, lightning server issues…

Lots going on.

Firstly there is going to be an ELECTION in the UK. At last. I was so surprised… Anyway, to celebrate this, you can get Democracy 2 for half price. ONLY TODAY. So get clicking! As I live in a safe seat, my vote is practically pointless. Hurrah for our crappy electoral system. But I digress…

Yesterday I was doing various bits like adding support for fixed terrain items to GSB for modders, which means you can do this, and in theory do a naval or ground combat mod. That then led me onwards to add in this, which is an attempt at that flickery lightning effect from Star trek: The Wrath Of Khan. Its configurable on a per-mission basis. I like it.

Also, not related to lightning, my server was down for a while, maybe 25 mins yesterday. Huge apologies. Nothing would have worked, but you should have been able to play GSB, if not upload or download any challenges. It’s fine now.

Back to campaign stuff now… Patch 1.37 will come soon, once I’ve added some stuff the campaign will need.

Surely not more stats?

I’m afraid so:

I’ve added filtering by module type too, with the pie charts that show the damage done. This isn’t also filterable by ship, so it isn’t totally uber, but sod it, this is a game, not excel, it has to end somewhere :D

What this new view lets you do, is (for example) select just your frigate plasma torpedoes and see that actually 95% of their shots missed, whereas only 35% of the cruisers torps missed. That might be a good thing to know…

Hopefully tomorrow I can spend a lot of time tweaking the UI for this, and testing it extensively. At some point I need to declare the stats upgrade done, so I can concentrate on play balancing for a few days. Then after that it’s back to the long discussed and hugely involved online thingy.