Game Design, Programming and running a one-man games business…

The Juggling Game

I often forget birthdays, things I’ve arranged to do socially, where I’m going for lunch, or what I agreed to do for someone. Why? My brain is just full. Here is some of the work related stuff I’m juggling right now

  • A port of Kudos 2 to a new platform by a partner
  • A translation of Democracy 2
  • Artwork for GSB
  • Arranging a musician for GSB
  • Chasing money from a Russian Publisher
  • Getting a portal to use my wire transfer details to pay me
  • VAT (sales tax) return for the last quarter
  • Possible use of Democracy for a magazine article
  • Checking payment from a US publisher for something under NDA
  • Advertising budgets
  • Checking my forums to reply to tech support or similar discussions
  • This blog
  • Analyzing web traffic to see if some recent changes were positive or negative
  • Keeping an eye on the casual games portals payment schedule so they don’t fall even further behind
  • Selecting sounds for GSB
  • Programming GSB

That last one is obviously the biggest, and GSB is effectively four games in one, so it’s a bit of a nightmare all on it’s own. The truly depressing thing is there is very little out of this list I could easily hand over to someone new, even if a) I could afford someone, and b) I found someone suitable.

I guess at least it’s indoor work with no heavy lifting :D

Sex discrimination and who works on games

My eye was drawn to this story, because it refers to where I used to work. Short summary is that a game developer is claiming compensation for discrimination at work for being gay. I won’t go into the actual case, because I don’t know the guy and haven’t worked there for ages, so it’s not fair to comment. However,I would like to extend the issue it covers to a wider call for action:

The games industry needs to grow up and stop acting like kids.

We act all high and mighty and start huffing and puffing the minute anyone suggests that ‘video games are for kids’, whilst at the same time doing very very little to change that perception. With a few very notable examples (the nintendo wii, games like Civ and some of the more complex sims) games ARE aimed at children, either deliberately, or aimed at the ‘inner child’.

It may be true that most people playing GTA and Call of Duty and World Of Warcraft are NOT 13 year old boys, but if so, that’s a triumph against the odds. Everything about mainstream gaming seems to aim at that demographic. Think about how to make a product attractive to a 13 year old boy, and how many games incorporate this stuff:

  • Guns (enough said…)
  • Big Tits (“phwoarr! etc”)
  • Scoring points (“I’m better than you!”
  • Achievements (“like gold stars on a school report”)
  • Bragging rights and taunts (“You suck!)

Outside of video gaming, most of us grow out of obsessions with these. (well most of them..ahem). Of course, you can make adult-aimed (non-sexual) games that contain guns too, but a hell of a lot of games just use guns as pure gun porn. Show me a game that contains a female elf that looks like anything but a supermodel. Show me a soldier in a game that doesn’t have biceps like zeppelins. They are few and far between. Alyx in HL2 is a wonderful exception to all this, but she is the exception, not the rule.

Anyway, my reasoning here is that these sort of games are what we make, because that’s the kind of people we are. Game developers are overwhelming male, overwhelming white (scarily so), overwhelmingly middle class, and overwhelmingly under 40. I have no idea what proportion are straight, but given the amount of artists that spend all day modelling buxom elves, I assume 99%. (Given the amount of time artists spend modelling men’s biceps and chests, I assume 99% of the 99% are just in denial :D)

I’m 40 this year. I’ll still be making games, but I’ll be unusually old for a developer then.  Normally by this age you ahve left and got a real job, or you run a big studio and employ the same young white rich kids to do the work.

What the games industry needs, in order to grow up, and to grow in size, is more women, more black and asian people, more gay and lesbian developers, and people from different backgrounds. And that absolutely means that it needs to crush with huge force, ANY discrimination in the workplace.

Maxis apparently have more women that usual for a game dev, no surprise they are doing well.

Now before you slag me in the comments for doing a game called ‘gratuitous space battles‘, take note that I entirely include myself in this. I am white, under 40, came from a borderline working/middle class home, straight and male. (plus surely I get points for doing intellectual games?) I like buxom elves and spaceships exploding too. This is why people who are not like me should get into the industry. Save us from ourselves.

Bad Customer Service. Why is it still here?

I’ve recently ahd the displeasure of dealing with both sony and dell for customer service. Dell are supposed to e sending me a laptop, but it’s not here. Naturally, like all megacorps, they cant be bothered to actually *care* if you get the product, so they outsource this vital part of their business to some third party who ignore emails and have a broken website with an order tracking form that returns blank pages in all 4 browsers I tried. I outsource part of my business (credit card payments) to BMTMicro, and I KNOW they are damned good, because I tried RegNow, RegSoft, FastSpring, Plimus and BMT.

The bit that bugs me is that emailing dell themselves means that you get a reply in their business hours, which is mon-fri 9-5pm.

lets look at that again:

Mon-Fri 9am-5pm

What is this? 1970?

Dell are a HUGE and GLOBAL corporation. They can afford to employ a skeleton staff over weekends, or even (maybe I’m out on a limb here) to work from 8-5 or 10-6 in overlapping shifts?

If you emailed me this morning for tech support, or customer service, you got a reply today. Today is a Sunday, and Mothers day. I will answer your email the moment I read it. I am a one-man company. I sincerely hope that in this recession, discerning customers learn to punish the companies that treat them badly, and reward those who treat them well. I know I will :D

nail-biting Exchange rate woes

I generally get paid in dollars. Even if you buy my games in Euros, it gets converted to dollars before I get it. That’s just the reality of internet commerce these days.

So when the dollar is strong against the pound, It’s good for me, because I get more pounds, and thus I can afford to not buy economy bread to live off.

I’m currently waiting for a big fat payment from a publisher for my games, and the exchange rate is gyrating wildly. The US government just blew a trillion dollars on bailing out banks etc, and that made the dollar nosedive. Why can’t these insensitive fools wait until I’ve collected my royalties? Grrrrrrrr.

I have tons of cool stuff going into GSB, but I’m hoping not to bore everyone with screen shots too early. Today it was time to do the ship name selection GUI and tidy up some of the explosion code. There is so much to do in this game to get everything looking acceptable at both normal and 4x zoom.

Error: Missing Parchment

I’m ‘exchanging contracts’ with a publisher for something right now. I signed two copies (two!) and they insisted on them being physically shipped. This isn’t unusual, or particular to them, but now that FedEx have seemingly lost the ‘parcel’, it makes me reflect on the insanity of the situation.
There are three types of business:
1) Businesses that allow you to email you an agreement, or at the very least, print out a document, sign it, scan it abck in and email it back. Needless hassle, but the best of the three. (I know for a fact that they can’t tell if I just pasted a fake signature from photoshop onto the document without bothering with the print/scan bit).

2) Businesses that won’t accept that, but will accept a FAX. This is the most insane of the three, because the people at these obviously do not realise that a fax gets converted into bit and bytes, and so does an email. A fax is just a really special=purpose clunky way to email a scan.

3) Businesses that insist on a physical copy.

The physical copy thing amazes me. what IS the difference? Is it REALLY harder for someone to ‘forge’ a contract signature by physical mail than it is by email / fax? Do they think that if it goes to court, that forensic teams will carry out analysis of the paper fibres and handwriting and proclaim it to be original or a fake? Is this REALLY going to happen?

People have forgotten that paper was used to send INFORMATION, and contracts were used for that purpose. We have moved on from fingerprints or making an ‘x’. We do not need to squirt some extract of a squid on parchment and then put it on the fastest coach and horses any more. Some clever dudes invented email.

Presidents, Soldiers, Criminals, Journalists, even my retired father and my technology-hating old boss who makes wooden rowing boats have all embraced EMAIL. Join us lawyers… you are late… but you are welcome…