Years ago, I did this blog post, which is why I now run a dedicated server, because mine just MELTED. I was even on the radio, in several countries, yabbering on about piracy. Its still a huge big deal in terms of people recognising my name.
Anyway. I’m sort of going to try and do the same thing, sort of, but on a different tack. it won’t be vaguely as popular, and I bet I get 10 replies, rather than 10,000, but that’s cool. So instead of ‘Why do you pirate my games’, todays question is
“Why didn’t you buy Gratuitous Space Battles?”
Please read this next bit:
I am NOT complaining. I am NOT moaning about sales. I am NOT unhappy with sales, I am not whining or anything like it. I just like making games that people enjoy, and I don’t know why the people who didn’t buy it, didn’t buy it. I’d like to know. The answers may well make it a better game for everyone, if I fix those reasons (if they make sense). It will make the game attractive to current fence-sitters, better for current owners, and more sales for me and my cats.

This cat demands answers NOW.
You can post here, or email me at Subject could be “Why I didn’t buy GSB”. As with the piracy thing, what I 100% absolutely totally want is honesty. Here are some prompts for what you might be thinking, and please email me if any of them are true:
- “I Thought it would be an arcade game, but it wasn’t and I don’t like strategy games.”
- “I Don’t like 2D games, or at least won’t pay money for them.”
- “The demo was too easy”
- “The demo crashed”
- “It ran badly on my PC”
- “I already have lots of space strategy games”
- “The demo was badly balanced”
- “I heard bad things about it”
- “I don’t trust buying it from your website”
- “It’s too expensive”
- “I wanted direct control of the ships, and that was frustrating”
- I wanted a campaign wrapped around the battles. It was too sandboxy”
etc. Obviously, feel free to add to the list, above all, be honest. I’m not offended if you email me and say “The games shit, my dog could make a better game”. I would disagree, but that’s your opinion :D.
If you have friends or interwebs-buddies who you know saw or heard about the game, and don’t own it, I’d love to know their opinions. Obviously if you *did* buy it, you don’t get a vote today. Sorry, and thankyou for buying one of my games. You are clearly happier, more intelligent, discerning and probably more attractive than other people.
My intention here is to hoover up all those comments that invariably get made, that could, in a perfect world, be fed back to the creator of something to make the product better. We, as a species really need to get our shit together on that. If you are like me, you *always* find something about everything you buy which is annoying*, there just isn’t a direct route to the inbox of the designer to send your feedback. My email address is Tell me what improvement would make you a buyer of Gratuitous Space Battles.
*those new nozzles on ketchup bottles give me less control over ketchup distribution, and are affecting my purchase decisions…