Game Design, Programming and running a one-man games business…

The inconvenient truth about indie game sales revenue

Did you know that 95% of the money an indie game makes comes from when that game is on sale and highly discounted? Some pundits put this at more like 97%, although I do hear that other people claim it be 98%, which is nonsense because we all know that 99% is the real figure right? After all, we’ve all seen those exciting steam charts with those big spikes haven’t we? And sales are just GREAT, people on twitter and other social media go bananas over them. they have mini-games and memes. Everybody knows that the way to make money is to put a game on sale! sale! sale! not just 95% off, how about 99% off…etc.


Exciting stuff, which is slightly undermined by it being dead wrong. Like most slightly autistic numbers geeks, I can’t help but crunch the data. Lets look at Democracy 2 sales on a large online portal.

The game was priced at $19.95.  Clearly this is total madness for an iconic, old, 2D strategy game, so presumably nobody bought it full price?

Actually 52% of it’s money came from full-price sales. And that’s a low-ball figure because there was a launch discount (which I don’t even do any more). I suspect it could have been higher. This was an old game, already sold for years from my site, so the real hardcore fans already bought it, yet 52% of new customers grabbed it at full price.

At 25% off, 15.5% off the income was generated

At 50% off (bargain!!!) 17% of total income was generated

at 75% off (amazing!!!!!!) 14% was generated

I see those big exciting spikes in sales reports as much as the next person, but it terms out we humans SUCK at making sense of charts like that. We also get lured by the thought of lots of players, rather than actual income.

Another thought worth considering is that at price X, you sell copies to everyone who would be happy to pay X or more. So what that means is that when a game is 75% off, a fair chunk of those buyers might have bought at full price. They aren’t going to donate the other 75% of the money later. Maybe only a few of them are in that position, but you need four sales for each of them to match the revenue…

Sales make money. Sales are good, they allow you to sell to people on the fence, or with less cash. I’m not knocking sales. But when your entire marketing strategy is based around discounts and sales and shoveling your game out as cheap as you can go, you have to ask yourself if you actually ever checked that strategy was working.


Exchange rates…from hells heart I stab at thee…

That might be Shakespeare, not sure, I think it’s from the wrath of khan. Anyway…

Because I’ve been an indie developer for a thousand years, right from back when isildur cut the wrong from saurons hand, I have learned a few lessons, one of them being ‘exchange rate conversion is a bitch’. Because I live in the old world paradise of England, and the global games market is based ‘across the pond’ in the USA, I tend to get paid in dollars. That used to seem ok, because you just converted it to £ and there you go. And yet…. it turns out the exchange rate banks use for this is filed under the ‘exchange rate for dumbass schmucks that have no clue’ folder.

You can get a better rate through dedicated exchange rate companies, which is annoying because it means transferring to them, and then back again to a different account, and in any case beyond a certain minimum amount, you can get a better rate anyway, if you call the bank and ask for it.

So my first step was to set up a dollar bank account, which was an epic tale that makes wagners ‘ring’ cycle look like an episode of antiques roadshow, but I digress…

ach1Now I have a dollar account, and have actually persuaded almost everyone I deal with to pay into it, using dollars (except apple, fuck you apple…), I progress to the next level…

ach2Which is great. Now all I have to do is pick the right moment for the exchange rate, when the pound is really weak against the dollar (so I get lots of pounds). I started looking to pick my moment around October…


Well bugger… It looks like my timing isn’t exactly awesome. My economist head tells me that a booming house market and recovering economy means that speculators suspect UK interest rates will rise before the US, hence people piling into pounds and making them expensive. Grrrr. It’s basically moved from 1.6 to 1.7, so roughly 6% of my earnings over the last 8 months have evaporated in exchange rates. That sounds worse than it is, because the default exchange-rate losses from a normal bank account are *so bad* I would probably be losing 3-4% on them anyway.

Plus it’s not all doom and gloom, the last week or two has shown it sliding back in the ‘right’ direction. I just hope it slides a bit further before I have to start eating the carpet or convert some dollars… If only the UK economy would implode and us be plunged into economic letdown here, things might improve from my POV. Or as Garak put it…

How thoughtless of me not to consider the effects the destruction of my home world would have on your business; These must be trying times for you, be brave.”



Democracy 3 extremism promotion tactics

So I recently released democracy 3 extremism, complete with it’s lovely trailer…

And how is it doing? Well it’s going ok. It isn’t selling as well as social engineering, but that is to be expected, as it’s the second DLC and these things always have declining sales as you do more. It’s also very early days, and so far it’s been 100% only for sale at full price, which is obviously to be expected as it’s only a few days into being on sale.

Anyway, my stats (which are partial, not complete) show me that my current profit from the DLC is $3,901. It’s probably higher than that, as I haven’t updated it today. The reason that profit is quite low is I’ve been channeling a big big chunk of the income from it back into promotion. My facebook ad which looks like this:


Is currently being shown at $600 a day, and has chalked up 1,291 clicks to the web page so far, at $0.49 a click. That doesn’t include the visits to the facebook page, the extra facebook likes and of course anyone with anti-tracking or noscript turned on. $0.49 is a lot, but I am targeting men of a certain age (sorry ladies, but you just do not buy this game, according to my stats), with an interest in certain games, in certain countries, so it should be very targeted. My target demographic on facebook is 2,600,000, which I reckon is quite small, having shown the ad to 171,000 of them so far (6%). I’m running the ad for a few more days, so should hit about 25% of that demographic, but I may supplement it with another reddit ad placement too. (I’ve already spent $2,450 on reddit ads).

The result of this has also pushed sales of the base game. Extremism released on 13th may. if I look at Democracy 3 steam sales from 13-17th and compare to the previous week in the same days, the difference is a boost of 134%. This is something I should definitely take into account when calculating if the expansion is a success or not. This also means I have greater freedom to re-invest in the game. I’ve already propelled Democracy 3 into the top 50 strategy games on steam again. Might another $2k on ads push me up a few more places? and might that be self-sustaining? It might be worth basically spending the whole DLC profit in PR in order to promote base game sales (which in turn may eventually lead to more DLC sales).

Of course it’s all guesswork, and tbh marketing and business is just a game I enjoy playing. I did start playing GalCiv III alpha, but its very very alpha (no space battles yet!) So I might just sit on that for a bit.


“Let’s talk about ipad pricing! dagga-dagga-dag-dag-dad-dad-da!”

That doesn’t make sense unless you read it to the tune of ‘kung fu fighting’. Anyway…

Enough of that.

I’m very close to releasing Democracy 3 on the ipad. I’ve pretty much decided it will be $9.95 on there. Let me waffle about the decision…

  • It can be argued that this is painfully high and nobody will buy it. I suspect this is an over-reaction and not true. It’s not angry birds, it’s a complex and deep strategy game, and I suspect players of those games are more prepared than the average ipad customer to pay $9.95
  • This is less than 50% of the PC price. Granted, it has no mod support, fixed resolution, and it’s on a tiny little ipad, not a nice kick-ass PC, but really there aren’t many compromises being made to play it on ipad. In other words, this is very competitively priced vs the PC version.
  • Theoretically a $9.95 game can set a decent benchmark price and maybe be discounted later, yet still be actually worth having on sale, unlike a 50% off on a $0.99 game.
  • It’s not the sort of game you buy on a impulse to play on the bus for 10 minutes once. It isn’t flappy birds. My impulse purchase market is probably zero.
  • Democracy 3 is in profit, even if I lose money on the ipad (I paid to have it ported), then it’s not a disaster, I could absorb the loss.
  • I think it’s in the greater interests of gaming (yes seriously) if we can establish a wider range of price points on IOS. There is no actual technical reason for that form-factor to be for cheap shovelware. There is no real logical argument for saying you shouldn’t be able to have a business selling $39.99 games on IOS, exclusively. maybe this will be a tiny nudge in that direction?
  • The sadist in me looks forward to the violent frothing at the mouth of the kids who complain about game prices. Deal with it! :D

So am I nuts? or is this GENIUS? or should it be priced at $24.95 like the PC version. Only time will tell, obviously. BTW if you work at apple, or know someone who does, and might be interested in promoting and featuring a non-casual game on IOS, please get in touch, I’m a PC gamer primarily so my knowledge of the ipad gaming market is very scarce.

I may have to buy that song on itunes now…

Strategic risks and opportunities

I’m sat in an airport lounge sipping tea and typing business strategy on a laptop. I am a walking cliche. Having said that… it might be helpful to share my brain dump on the future risks and opportunities I see for my company. First the risks (I am, after all a pessimistic brit).

Risk 1. Price war and collapse for PC games.

This would change things dramatically, not only because I might just earn a lot less, but because many of my strategies are price-point-dependent. You cannot break even advertising a one-time $5 purchase. Probably not a $10 one either. I have to make games that command a $20+ full price tag. I actually am not too worried about this happening. Not for original, interesting, polished high quality games with marketing. For shovelware sure, but that’s not me. Risk: 5%

Risk 2. Royalty collapse / publishers go evil.

Steam could demand 80% royalties, and everyone could copy them. That would be pretty crushing. I find this incredibly unlikely. Steams market share is big, but there are enough other players ready to take over the minute something like this happened. Plus, the more people at steam I meet, the less likely this seems. Risk 5%

Risk 3. Everything shifts to Mac / Linux / Tablets / VR.

This seems much more likely. It’s mitigated by Microsoft getting a new boss, so maybe they will stop fucking up. On the other hand the rise of the tablet/phone seems unstoppable. I now know that VR is awesome and not far off. The upside here is that I can cope if this happened. Learning OpenGL wouldn’t kill me. I reckon I could make games that are designed for tablet first if I needed to. Risk 20%

Risk 4. I am out-competed.

There are a lot of smart young developers in India / Russia / Brazil / China who are going to kick our asses. I live in one of the priciest countries in the world. I am 45 years old and need sleep now and then. The only thing I have that lets me compete with a 17 year old kid in Vietnam is my experience, but as they age, and senility kicks in for me, plus I’m stuck in a C++ era, that will be less effective. I can compensate by actually hiring people from these countries, but that still leaves a big risk of competition. Risk 25%

Risk 5. Critical employee.

If I get hit by a bus Positech is dead. I pretty much *am* the company at a strategic sense. My eyesight could fail, I could have health problems etc. This is obviously a different kind of risk. I can at least mitigate this with a healthy diet and exercise. Theoretically. Risk 1%

So there is the doom and gloom. How about exciting future stuff?

Opportunity 1.  New countries.

For the first time I have a game where I actually own 100% of the translated versions (Democracy 3 in German and French). I think they have made money, and also more importantly acted as a first step to understanding how to do this right, as I did EVERYTHING wrong. In an ideal world, every future game of mine has built in language support and unicode. This is unlikely but I’m heading there. Is piracy rife in some of the biggest markets out there? Yup, but the numbers are huge. Opportunity: 35%

Opportunity 2. Expansion.

I find this so difficult, but my current system is to expand by publishing games. I tried this with redshirt, and for a first attempt at this idea, if worked pretty well. Enough that I’m doing another one (details to come…). This is a very simple way for me to expand. I may eventually get an actual employee, and if I didn’t have such a nice home working environment I’d likely already have done this and had an office. Opportunity: 30%

Opportunity 3. Investment/ Diversification.

I don’t have to expand in games. I thought long and hard about starting a solar farm business. Positech even SOUNDS like an energy company. I lack expertise here, so at the moment I’m just content to have invested in existing solar farms. Maybe eventually I’ll make the leap to setting one up. Opportunity: 20%

Opportunity 4. Education / Biz software.

I think the education market is under-served. Democracy 3 is a great teaching tool, and there is vast potential here. I sometimes toy with the idea of hiring someone full time to push Democracy 3 into schools and to further develop it as a proper teaching tool, or also as a business tool. I can make a very convincing argument here. The problem is I’m not massively into spending my time talking to school district managers and big business committees. Plus there is the problem of getting people to take a games company seriously. Opportunity: 20%


If I was 25 years old, I’d probably be hiring a bunch of people to expand on all those fronts right now. I’d have some trendy office in some trendy part of a big city and be high-fiving fellow entrepreneurs over lunch in whatever sushi bar has the best wifi. I’d actually know how to use uber. I’d have google glass.

As it happens, I find myself to be a relatively quiet tea-sipping forty-something, keen to get back home to his cats and the English countryside, and to shave. (One thing I learned this trip is that security people confiscate shaving foam.) I balance this out knowing I’m happy, have a good life and really love what I’m working on. Ultimately that surely is the goal.