Game Design, Programming and running a one-man games business…

AI is accelerating on a daily or even hourly basis

The level of progress in AI in the last few months is absolutely mind blowing. If you are not actively following the field, then you might think that basically we had ChatGPT, and everyone got excited, but basically its all hype and nothing has actually changed. OMG This would be so wrong. Things are accelerating like crazy. You have probably heard about DeepSeek, and also heard people claiming its no big deal. They are probably wrong. We are in the middle of an absolutely seismic shift.

First, an update. There is a new version of grok (the AI chatbot built into X) which is staggeringly good at code. I’ve been talking to grok on a daily basis about the code for my next game. Its helped me optimize some functions, and taught me some new tricks. It even takes optimizations it suggests, and uses my own code (which I give it snippets of) to teach me how I should apply the recommendations it has. I have genuinely learned more new stuff about C++ in the last month than the previous 20 years, and I’ve been coding since 1981.

One big ‘wtf’ moment came yesterday. I was thrilled that having asked grok about some slow code, it managed to help me redesign the high level algorithm for my particle system to make it run 36% faster. But when I gave it a function to speed up, this bit blew me away. I gave it zero context, but just pasted a function and said ‘optimize this’. It did a phenomenal job, but without even mention it, it altered one line of my code:

const float bottom = sp.Y + halfw; // Fixed: bottom should be +halfw, not -halfw

It silently found a bug, and fixed it (perfectly) without even needing any context. It looked at the surrounding code, and the variable names, and deduced correctly that I had copy/pasted a sign wrong. WTF?

Grok is superb at C++, and I ask it regularly for help in speeding up existing code, or ask it if a proposed algorithmic change will make sense, work, or be a faster or improved approach. Its absolutely superb. I cannot now imagine coding without grok, or a similar code-focused LLM to assist me. I code faster, write better code, and am more productive. Programmers who refuse to use AI are going to be in work another year at most. Maybe less than six months. And junior coders? very unlikely to get promoted or another job. Your employer is probably looking to get rid of you. The senior coder can now do 2x the work. Why pay for a junior too?

If you want a great example of how to use AI, ask it to code a website for you. Its excellent. I redid the layout and formatting code for my energy company website in seconds with grok. I simply said ‘make this look better’. The idea of ever bothering to hire someone to write HTML/CSS now seems laughable. My next game will need php, I anticipate writing it will be 5x faster using grok. Every company that develops websites is probably looking to shed 50-75% of their staff. If all you do all day is look at website mockups and write CSS/HTML you are now probably unemployable.

Do you want more examples?

Ask an AI chatbot to put together a travel schedule for a holiday for you, tailored to your likes and dislikes and budget etc. Its already better than any high end travel-agency. Goodbye everyone in charge of bespoke holiday planning. Are you thinking of buying a car or a TV? ask grok to build you a table with a cross-product analysis of the top 10 options with a focus on the attributes that matter to you. It takes seconds, and its amazing. If grok went from $5 a month to $50 a month, I’d pay it without question, right now.

Have you tried sesame? Do you think AI voices seem un-natural? not any more:

Imagine in 3-6 months we see voice generation even better than that powered with even better and more knowledgeable chatbots. We now have a super-informed, constantly available technical expert in many fields available through a trivial voice interface that can replace researchers in many fields, analysts, travel agents, call center staff, web developers and programmers. The number of jobs about to disappear are definitely in the millions, probably the tens of millions, even assuming zero progress after this year. And we are not even truly getting started yet.

Country Estimated Call Center Employees (2025)
United States 3,100,000
China 1,800,000
Japan 600,000
Germany 450,000
India 2,200,000

Obviously I didn’t google that list, I got grok to research it, format it, and tell me how to add it to wordpress. But yup, lets assume 90% of those jobs are toast within a year, so at least 8 million jobs gone, to be replaced by datacenters. You might think this will be politically difficult, but no. Its simply impossible for your economy to compete without this tech. Not only can AI voice assistants replace your call center staff for a tiny proportion of the cost, they will never get angry, emotional, stressed, or confused. They can even respond in any language or accent, or with any ’emotion’ you might want. They will never forget to upsell and they can stay talking to customers longer, because the cost per call will be trivial.

Pretty much any junior knowledge worker job is about to go. There are rooms full of well paid middle class employees doing research into businesses to provide analysis for stock market professionals. They all just lost their job. Every one of them. Grok can already do this better, and manus can build you a customised dashboard to analyze any financial instrument by any criteria imaginable:

If AI soon cracks self-driving cars (and we may be close) then lets fire every taxi and truck driver on the planet too. Thats going to be a phenomenal shock. Sort out some humanoid robots to unpack a truck and hand over parcels and the postal; servcies and delivery drivers are all gone too. Iminent? nope, but within 5 years? I think so.

Politicians are focused so much on geopolitical issues surrounding the middle east, russia/ukraine and numerous other issues that almost none of them are even giving the topic of AI powered economic growth and the resulting combination of a boom AND mass unemployment and thought. This is absolutely insane.

We are currently all standing at a crossroads. As individuals, societies and economies, we are about to race in one direction or another. Those who adopt AI, harness it, and benefit from its financial implications are going to be staggeringly wealthy. Those who stand there like a rabbit in headlights as everything changes will be unemployed AND unemployable. Whole economies are about to crumble, and others are about to race ahead. Its going to be a future where the top 5% of knowledge workers and tech companies will race ahead, and the bottom 9% gets obliterated. Countries that invest in AI will thrive. Others will become client-states, or stagger into barely-managed decline.

Nobody knows for sure, but I suspect China is about to do VERY WELL. Its very focused on AI, and tech, and chips, and higher education. So is South Korea. Japan could go either way. Taiwan is poised to do very well. The big questions are Europe and the USA. Right now… my best guess is the US suffers severe shocks. Its about to get humiliated in tech by China, and will speedrun the layoffs of middle-class knowledge workers while the government does nothing to cushion the shock. Europe? it could go either way, although I fear we may miss out too.

But as individuals? what do we do? I would suggest you buy shares in Nvidia and TSMC. At the very least try and own a chunk of the future, even if its a small chunk. Good Luck.