Game Design, Programming and running a one-man games business…

Donating revenue to War Child


So… I got introduced to a charity called War Child, at some speaking event on democracy I attended up London recently, and it seemed like a great thing. I won’t go into tedious detail, but I’ll quote from their website:

“We’re providing life-changing support to the most vulnerable children whose families, communities and schools have been torn apart by war.”

I’m lucky in that I live in the UK and have never been affected by war. Thats just temporal and geographic luck though. I grew up riding my bike around the rubble of a nearby munitions factory the Germans had bombed. My grandfather fought in WW2 in Burma and North Africa, I have a friend who remembers watching V2 ‘doodlebug’ bombs dropping from the sky. My Fathers family was divided when he was a child when London children were evacuated to the countryside. I live near an airfield that was used by spitfires during D-Day, and I hear British Artillery practice in a training ground near me from time to time. I’m surrounded by memories of something I so fortunately have avoided all my life, but obviously many people are not so lucky.

I cannot begin to imagine the traumatic effects of war on small children, especially those who lose their parents. It seems an admirable cause to help out people affected in this way, and I’m proud to say I’m doing a bit to help this month.

From the 21st November to 2nd December, all the revenue positech earns from Democracy 3 and its DLC on steam will be donated to War Child. We don’t have any noticeable ongoing expenses, so its revenue, not profit, as they are the same thing. I’m hoping to raise $15k doing this.

A bunch of other gamers are doing similar stuff, you can read more details here.