Below is an image from Gratuitous Space Battles 2‘s ship design screen. On the left is my problem. That’s a load of ship components you can add to a hull, rotate, change size, color etc. All very cool. The problem is that you might choose to have BIG versions of some of them, as main structure bits, so the source graphics have to be big, normally 256sq for sub-components.

Ok, so that’s cool, but the problem is, when I load in those icons I’m loading in a DDS file that is 256 square, which means about 170k in the format I’m using. If I have 300 of them (rough guess) then that’s 51MB of file access, which is bad but not catastrophic, but it does mean 300 distinct file accesses, which is slow, even after I’ve rewritten the DDS loader to be massively faster. As a result, when you click on ‘edit appearance’, there *might* be a slight delay, which is intolerably awful for someone like me with zero patience. And I have a FAST PC, I want this to be fast and smooth on low-spec.
So as I see it the options are:
1) Only load visible ones, then load the others as you scroll (could be irritating for scrolling)
2) Load in placeholders, and spin off the file accessing portion of the texture load into a separate thread, then when they are all there, interleave the texture creation with the display frames of the main thread (DX9 so only main thread may do DX stuff). This seems ultra complex and hacky.
3) Save out small preview images for each item, and load those instead. Less memory, but a bunch of useless duplicate files AND still 300 file accesses.
4) Stick em all in a single big pak file and see if that’s quicker. This is easy, but I find it messy during development as I’m always adding/removing/editing files in those folders, so I need a hybrid debug/release system.
I think I might have to go with 4…