Game Design, Programming and running a one-man games business…

BAFTA dev days

So, just 2 newsy items today. Firstly the steam dev days talk videos are now up online here:

And I’m in one of the panels (The marketing one), which is here:

Plus Democracy 3 has been nominated for a BAFTA award for Strategy game. details here:,325,SNS.html


3 thoughts on BAFTA dev days

  1. Grats on your nominations, I’m loving D3. I had one question though, is it possible to slow down immigration? Even with full border patrols, police and military funding, IDs and citizenship tests, it seems to surge wildly as long as you have a positive economy. Seen others with the same issues in the steam discussions, but no solutions.

  2. immigration could be globally turned down by a mod, quite easily, but you can fix problems of high immigration in other ways AFAIK, maybe you have a combination of high GDP, low crime, low racial tension and good foreign relations that I never managed in my testing? :D

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