Post-release youtube video October 18, 2013 cliffski Posted on October 18, 2013 Just some thoughts on stuff post-release…
I like the game. I figure you already saw this, but the exploit mentioned in this thread is real: I would have said something in that thread, but realize it’s better to keep specifics about exploits/etc. on the d/l.
P.S. I didn’t realize this was a comment field, thought it might allow me to submit message as PM. Sorry about that, but hopefully this is a little less traffic than Steam. Feel free to delete my comment too if that helps.
Thank you for doing these developer videos. It is good to hear your thoughts and commentary during development and after the release of your games regarding everything from new ideas and design implementation to post production and beyond.
I gotta appologise but I was looking all round the room at the stuff you have there. Nosey sod, I know. Tell me about the sandglass timer, what that picture is on the left side of the film on the wall, and why you have, what looks like, a credit card machine on your desk? :) Oh yeah, and considering you were quick off the mark to jig the mouse pointer I got that you were reading bullet points to remind yourself the stuff you wanted to talk about. However, you left the source code up on the other display so I zoomed in and found the cheat mode.