Do not worry America. Your politicians may be unable to govern, but I am here to help, by telling you that Democracy is here once more!

Yup, It’s RELEASE DAY for Democracy 3, which means you now have no good excuses whatsoever to avoid going and grabbing a copy right now. Of course, you can grab it from my lovely website, which gets you a DRM-free link to windows, linux and mac versions, plus a steam key, or if you prefer to buy through steam you can do that right now here. And if you only buy games through GoG, be patient as the game will show up there in the next few days.
If you already bought the game and have been playing the beta, you may suddenly notice that the last patch (version 1.06) stopped saying ‘beta’. Yup, thats the release version you have, RIGHT THERE. Obviously not the final version, I’m already working on extra bits…
So what are you waiting for people? Get governing! And feedback on the game is vastly appreciated especially at the official forums here. And don’#t forget to use the power of twitter, facebook and even face to face ‘talking’ to tell people that there is this lovely new game out there…