Posted on October 6, 2013
Hi there fellow space cadets, we have good news, version v0.5 of the Redshirt beta has been released:
You can get the latest version simply by downloading from your original link. Any problems, just email me. Here are the changes:
- – Happiness and Health attribute bars no longer slidable! (Fixed bug:
- – FIXED BUG: ‘mutual friends’ list was showing wrong list of friends (
- – FIXED: Blank spacebook feed bug.
- – Profiles now feature clickable Interests links (also interest and skill ‘details’ windows now feature player’s current skill/interest level)
- – FIXED: Bug where last letter would often get cut off on event/work summary screens.
- – FIXED: Bug where events etc which both raise and lower skills were displayed in the ‘how to raise skill’ list.
- – S.H.O.P. items now have varying ‘expiry’ dates before they need repair. Items now no longer need to be trashed and rebought; instead, can repair at any time (at varying cost, depending on how close the item is to expiry).
- – FIXED: Bug where relationship breakup would leave your ex’s profile picture on the side panel briefly.
- – Certain ‘romantic’ events (e.g. romantic dinner) now won’t make your platonic friends jealous if they’re not invited. (More romantic events to be added soon)
- – Characters going to romantic events with each other (when they’re already romantically involved with others!) will trigger relationship drama. :)
- – Failed group events (i.e. where no-one at all turned up) no longer give you the event rewards anyway.
Expect democracy 3 news soon too. Yay, it’s all happening!