So… I am feeling more motivated about this. The plan is basically to have 3 options in the Democracy 3 mod screen. one is the mod panel which lets you enable/disable mods as right now. This will be in ALL builds of the game. Steam builds will get 2 extra windows. ! will browse steam workshop entries for the game (I haven’t even started that yet) the other will handle submitting new mods to steam workshop.
Right now, I haven’t even implemented a single steam API call for this, but what I *have* done si the rather tedious step of doing the GUI for submitting a mod. That is 90% done, but the back-end stuff is only half done. By back-end, I mean the stuff I have which will actually pass the mod data onto steam for uploading. Why do I need an intermediate layer?
Well basically steam workshop and cloud save work with individual files, and Democracy 3 mods are NOT individual files. You might have 36 policy icons, some csvs and some text files in your mod, and this doesn’t play nice with steam. Arghhhh! So I am coding a completely hidden-from-the-player translation system which (once you have selected your mod folder) , packs all of those files and their filenames and directory structure into a single packed file, and then submits that to steam workshop. Then the reverse happens with installed steam workshop mods. I haven’t started that bit yet, but the GUI and the packing is done, more or less. I’ll finish it tonight. I’m at ComicCon Saturday, then hopefully Sunday I can finish the Steam back-end and actually have the game submitting real live steam workshop mods.
So theoretically on Monday I then code a nice workshop browser, test it all on Tuesday and patch it into the game on Wednesday. AHAHAHAH. Yeah maybe :D
In practice Tuesday I am involved in ‘family things’ so realistically it will be Thursday/Friday, if that doesn’t clash too badly with ExPlay in Bath, where I’m giving a talk. Holy crap when do I write the talk?.
I may have to miss Downton Abbey at this rate!