An edited list of stuff I checked off my list today:
- Added the ‘100,000 copies sold’ text to the GSB website.
- Implemented the new menu/GUI (non-battle) music for GTB.
- Carried out a major rethink and rebalancing of the way weapons work in GTB, with some research, and a lot of code changes.
- Changed the way the AI accrues supplies in ‘classic’ TD mode. It now gets them over time just like the player.
- Implemented new green grassy textures.
- Checked the performance of the new AI code.
- Changed all weapons so there are more shots, doing less damage per shot, and longer durations for beam lasers.
- Added a new, obvious drop-unit effect to show when the AI has placed a new turret.
- Made fog of war an option, at least for me when I’m debugging, and probably for singleplayer too.
- Fixed bug where the AI kept trying to put new troops on top of existing ones in a trench.
- Fixed bug where the AI never replaced destroyed turrets.
- Managed to not get sidetracked into finishing off the ships for the GSB ‘parasites’ expansion :D
Not bad for the first day back after holidays. I also riskily (some might say) threw some of my savings at the stock market buying shares in renishaw, a company I’ve bought and sold before, whose profits just jumped, and yet the share price dived 10%. That looked like a buying opportunity to my eyes. Fun fun…