Game Design, Programming and running a one-man games business…

Show Me The Bundle

You know that little side-project website ShowMeTheGames that I talk about now and then? Well guessy what? Go on…  nah…You’ll never guess.

We are running a bundle of indie games through SMTG. It’s basically five high quality indie games for $28.50, which save you $81.33 You have probably heard of some, or all of them. They are (in no particular order)…

Gratuitous Space Battles

This is my latest game. It’s a space strategy affair, where you design spaceships and put together big space fleets, but the battles are stratengely hands-off. :D

Castle Vox

This is by Sillysoft. You remember they made Lux right? It’s influenced by games like Risk. It’s a conquer the world strategy game, and great fun

Evochron: Mercenary

By StarWraith. They have been making excellent space games like this for a while. Watch some videos of it and then tell me you don’t want to own it. I dare you. Awesome graphics, and reminds me of the days of Elite. Ahhhh….

Fate Of The World

By Red Redemption. This is the climate-change game. Save the world from Jeremy Clarkson and Exxon. You know you want to. I do my bit by not flying long-haul, but it’s easier to just buy this game instead.

Smugglers IV

Another space strategy game that evokes memories of Elite. This one is by Niels bauer who has been making indie PC games as long, or maybe even longer than moi.

This isn’t a humble bundle, but  it’s a self-confident and proud one. In fact, as bundles go, it has has en-suite bathrooms and 24 hour porterage, and a helpful concierge called Gerald.  The main bonus is that all the money goes to the developers (BMTMicro take a tiny fee for processing payments). SMTG doesn’t make anything from it, and I only make my share of it (from GSB).

There is a webpage with a video about the bundle here. Which is also where you can buy it. Video embedded below. PLEASE retweet, or facebook it, or write witty forum comments over the interwebs about it. The bundle lasts until the 12th June. Forget all that crap about E3, that’s only for shoddy console ports that will cost $100 and have DRM in anyway. Buy this instead :D


24 thoughts on Show Me The Bundle

  1. I haven’t finished testing the games yet, but whoever insisted that all games have demos on ShowMeTheGames saved the chance of a sale for this Linux user.

  2. Do they register on steam?

    As much as I love the no DRM attitude, I do enjoy the convenience of Steam.

    I can find very little information about the SMTG website. Whether you can re-d/l games etc.

  3. It’s not a steam thing, they don’t register on steam. This is totally unrelated to steam.
    You can always red-ownload your games, even then years later. if the link times out for some reason, just email the developer.

  4. Just a quick heads up to any other Linux users, all but Evochron Mercenary work well under Wine. Evochron crashes out the gate with a race condition that might be a configuration issue with Wine, but I’m not sure.

  5. Erm Castle Vox was not on my download links when I paid via BMT. Annoying considering that was the game I was really after from the five as I have GSB already. Something I did wrong?

  6. I would have purchased this bundle, but I already have Fate Of The World. Shame!

  7. I’ve been reading about GSB for years and really haven’t got around to grabbing it only because I’m a lazy bastard. But I saw this bundle when I loaded up GReader this morning and jumped on it.

    Yay, I’ve been wanting Evochron too so I’m doubly excited.

  8. Really nice bundle! :)

    I’m sure I’m missing something here though. Where is the keycode for Smugglers? The e-mail has keycodes for Castle Vox, Evochron Mercenaries and GSB, in that order, but nothing about Smugglers 4, that requires a keycode at launch.

    Anyone point it out to me?

  9. Fate of the World also requires one, apparently, and it’s not on my e-mail either.

  10. Same problem with Fate of the World. All i get is an enter key prompt but no key in the email for the game so you can’t play it.

  11. I’ll email the developers for FOTW and Smugglers and find out what’s happening…

  12. It’s a great deal, but I already own GSB, and don’t want to pay $30 for the rest.

    But …

    I tried Vox’s demo, loved it, and bought Vox, which is currently on sale by itself for $15.

    Funny what advertising and a free demo can do.

  13. I’ve tried Evochron and seen GSB before, only heard of Fate of the world.

    I was really impressed by Evochron, but I didn’t want to buy it because of the drm (activation). If Starwraith/Shawn Bower removes it then I’d buy the whole trilogy.

    I should try the demos for the others here also.

  14. I’ve also got the missing Fate of the World key problem. The e-mail that I got from BMT doesn’t seem to be aware that the game even has a key, much less that it should be supplying one. With regard to Smugglers 4, though, the game doesn’t seem to be asking me for a key; apparently the version you download from BMT comes pre-registered somehow.

  15. Hi All,

    I’m the Development Manager for Red Redemption, makers of Fate of the World.

    I’d like to apologise to those of you who haven’t received keys for our game, this was down to a management slip up.

    However, with Cliff’s help, hopefully it is being sorted out and future purchasers should get heir keys.

    For those still without a key, please send an email to, including the purchase email you got from BMT, and I’ll send you a key.

    Once again, apologies for any inconvenience


  16. Okay, e-mail sent. Thanks for your help, Robin, and thanks to Cliff for putting together a great bundle.

  17. Haven’t you been talking about how bad it is to sell indie games at low price the other day?

  18. I’ll probably buy this I’ve been wanting to get Smugglers and Evochron for a while. But I’ll have 3 copies of GSB now. I bought the collectors edition. I got a copy in another game bundle from steam. Now this. I know–I’ll install one at work!

  19. Thanks for sorting out the keys problem, cliff. I’ve received a new download link for smuggler and a key for fate of the world. It turned out that the original email I got had the keys for Evechron and Castle Vox mixed up so they’re fine as well. Nice to have a 3rd copy of Gratuitous Space Battles as well. Don’t think I’d get away with installing that one at work, however :)

  20. Does this bundle allow for the download of the Mac versions of GSB and Castle Vox? Or are we tied to Windows version on all counts? With the former, I only need to reboot 60% of the time, all things being equal.

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