Game Design, Programming and running a one-man games business…

patch 146

I released patch 1.46 for GSB today. It’s up and running now. This is quite a minor patch, but I thought it worth doing. I must make a mental note to tell steam, stardock etc about it tomorrow. The big feature of the patch is it lets you toggle between the new and the old post-battle stats now with a mere click of a button. Hurrah. The rest is just bug fixes. Apostrophes in usernames cause errors and are no longer allowed, etc…

Tomorrow I’ll be back working on the campaign. There is some new GUI artwork, and a list of bugs to fix. Plus I had some crazy ideas for some gameplay balancing code.

In other news, today was spent partly pacing around the outside of the house seeing where there is room to put solar panels. I’ve long long wanted solar panels, and it would be kinda cool to have positech solar-powered at my end :D It’s pretty scary when you add up how amny units of electricity we use, and then pace out how much space (and cash) is needed to provide all that. Currently, 12 square meters of space is possibly viable, and that’s maybe a third of the requirement. Bah.

One day maybe…

4 thoughts on patch 146

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