Game Design, Programming and running a one-man games business…

New GSB Website

I’ve updated the gsb website. For the first time since positech started, I’ve actually got a proper web-designer to do  a webpage, rather than me knocking it up myself in basic html and crappy coder-art. Even then, it was a single page, which I cloned and fiddled with for the rest of the site, because I’m so cheap :D

I think it looks way better than before. There are a ton of minor formatting things to fix, and no doubt a lot of the graphics on the ‘other’ pages need tweaking now. If you spot any broken links, then let me know. I’m aware that ‘about’ and ‘faq’ are the same thing. Maybe ‘about’ should go to this blog?

here it is:

13 thoughts on New GSB Website

  1. hmmm. i could have sworn that link was to a minute ago. (though the anchor text was correct).
    seems to work now, which makes me doubt my reality :P

  2. Love the look of the new site!

    I’m curious to know, seeing as you’re into A/B testing and all that, whether the layout was based on any of your findings or something you left to the web designer entirely?

  3. O_O!!

    Wow, thats a big change alright! I think the game now even looks better than it already is!


  4. Nice!
    1. “Demo” should be flashier.
    2. Screenshots and Video should be higher on the starting page to see it right when you get on the page.
    3. I don’t like the look of the dark ship on the upper right. Seems a little cheap in comparison to the other ones.
    4. D.L.C. – I don’t know what that means so I won’t click. But maybe it’s just me.
    5. I would need for a new game some more good reasons – like 4 points: “-direct email to dev – fast support” – points which make your game outstanding

  5. DLC = Downloadable Content. Maybe that phrase is mostly known by console gamers and not PC gamers, which this game targets? Perhaps “Expansions” would be better?

  6. Looks awesome, but I’m wondering how it’s going to hold up on the analytics front. I’m guessing that you had the old site optimized pretty well.

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