Game Design, Programming and running a one-man games business…

Todays’ Specials

This is the one silly gratuitous thing I’ve bought for the office in the new house. I’m not very organised on the whole, and I tend to have sporadic moments of sudden ideas, and no consistent way to keep track of the huge huge list of things in my head. Clearly the solution is a great big chalkboard on the wall behind me.

I’d forgotten how horrid the noise of writing on a  chalkboard is :D There is a company that will print anything you want (logos etc.) onto a chalkboard, although it’s surprisingly expensive. I spend so much time doing the actual coding, and am so busy that I really need to grasp at anything that makes the coding time more efficient, and I think this will help me think more ‘big picture’ and still remember what I was thinking 10 minutes later :D

6 thoughts on Todays’ Specials

  1. haha that’s great. Though whats wrong with a piece of paper? Bar the mess factor.
    From the looks of things your idea centralize around a campaign and something about weasels. Exciting stuff.

  2. Ook. I can’t handle writing on chalkboards. The sound combines with the feel to make my nervous system try to shake itself apart. It’s whiteboard or nothing for me.

  3. I used to have a wall-length whiteboard. It was awesome but it was really only ever used by people that came over to my house. After a couple of months there was no blank space left between the writing.

  4. lol! I love that link Chris! Great idea!
    I know what you mean, Cliffski, about having loads of ideas all at the same time.
    I’m boring and just write down a list of things that I need to implement for the next version in a text file. I guess I need to use my whiteboard a bit more! ;)

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