I started work on the manual for GSB today. It’s going to be a pdf that’s installed along with the game, although I am tempted to also make it downloadable before the game is finished, so people can give feedback on the game design.
The good news is that I now have a list of 16 things I need to get done before the game will be alpha, then I need some alpha feedback and I’ll be looking at beta. Some of those 16 things are pretty big, and will take days, some are small, like doing an icon.
One of the bigger ones is the manual. It’s surprising how much information I need to put in it to explain the mechanics of the game, without adding lots of stats stuff such as all of the ship modules and race backstories, which I haven’t done yet. I need to polish up the formatting, and get up to date screen shots for it all too, plus spellcheck, check the grammar blah blah.
Those 16 things do not include graphical fluff and polish which I also intend to get done, but some of that might be done when I’m waiting for alpha or beta feedback.
It’s good to have some sort of plan for getting from here to release anyway.