After a few minutes playing Arm-A II today, it was obvious that camera-motion-blur is really cool, and I needed to get on with putting it into GSB. Half a day of monkeying around with poor documentation and I have it in and working, and togglable etc. It needs some fiddling to get it right still. The nice side effect is that when a big explosion makes the camera shake, the blur kicks in automatically. You can’t really tell with a small jpg, but it’s quite a nice effect in motion. Of course it does have a drawback, in that if you freeze the game in mid-shake-blur and then move the camera, everything is blurred, because you were near the explosion when it happened. I think thats quite acceptable tbh.

I also got some more optimising done today, which means I can consider adding in a few more gratuitous effects for peoples whose gaming PC’s are as good or better than mine, and want the game to look as gratuitous as possible :D