Game Design, Programming and running a one-man games business…

Totally FREE game for the first twenty readers…

No.. not kudos 2 (you can BUY IT HERE though :D), but a game called DETERMINANCE.

Us indie game developers are friendly people. We occasionally meet up to eat pizza and grumble about big games companies, publishers and the fact that we can only afford to eat pizza. And in-between all that we occasionally get chatting about each others games…

Have you ever wondered how cool it would be if there was a game where you could do sword fighting by moving the mouse around rather than clicking the ‘sword fight’ button? So have I……..So let me ask you this… Have you ever tried this game:

Its called ‘Determinance’ and it’s made by fellow UK indies ‘Mode7 Games’. here is the website where you can download the demo:

And if you try the demo and want a completely FREE copy. Just email me at and ask for a code that will unlock it. I have twenty to give away. Will they go in five minutes or five days? YOU DECIDE!

5 thoughts on Totally FREE game for the first twenty readers…

  1. @ Hmm

    Totally agree. Now that is an indie game worth its price tag. I paid $24.95 when the pound was strong and i have been playing the game for more than three months on and off. I recently updated to the full version so it was an excellent investment.

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