Most silly comment so far August 10, 2008 cliffski Posted on August 10, 2008 on the piracy thing: “Why don’t you do some googling on the subject. You clearly know NOTHING about piracy at all” Why thankyou for your hugely helpful post. I don’t know how I’ve got by until now without your advice!
Xiotex, why don’t you do some googling on the subject. You clearly know NOTHING about piracy for dummies at all (There are a few guides out there – I’ve used them in the past, because when you’re trying to teach a (long-distance) friend to use bittorrent (for perfectly legal and legitimate purposes – no, not Linux ISOs) it’s easier to use a pre-existing guide with lots of pretty pictures than effectively write your own from scratch. The one I ended up giving them was mostly “how to set up bittorrent”, “how to set up your router”, and “how not to screw up the connection for everyone else on your network”, with not that much stuff about where to find teh leet warez.)
I use to pirate stuff for a few reasons 1.) $$$ I would use it as a free demo to try it out, I don’t want to blow my $$$ on some game that sucks. Almost every demo will be good cause they put the best part of the game in the demo, and often the rest of the game sucks. 2.) will it run. I recently bought Supreme Commander figuring it would run, my computer was better than the specs said it should be and I loved TA when what do my wondering eyes behold a game that runs at some ungodly slow speed. So I have a $50 paper weight till I upgrade my computer (for when they eventually make a computer that can run that thing) 3.) No CD needed. I have about 1 billion games… and about 20 CDs…. aka I have lost/destroyed/mutilated about 999999979 CDs. I can’t find my AoE2 or its XP, RoN, Tribes, Tribes 2, ect CDs so if I still have it on my computer I still can’t play it and if I want to play it again I have to go buy the CDs again. (BTW I play WoW ALOT cause there is no swapping of CDs at all… yes a lot. I have 6 70s and 1 of every other class 65 or higher 3 of them are rdy for Black Temple) 4.) Anti Piracy stuff / licensing. Isn’t it odd that the stuff to stop anti piracy is causing people to go pirate? If I buy BioShock for my PC it puts a nice root kit on my computer (I don’t know about this root kit but a lot of the root kit’s are incredibly insecure and put up tones of security holes). Oh yeah… and you can only install it 3 times before you have to buy a new copy… and for those of us who rebuild our computers once every 2 months that’s not very good Well those were my reasons. I have always tried to support the people who made the games I like same with music, there are videos called AMV hell that have short clips of music on the. More than once I have heard a song that I liked and ended up going to Itunes and buying everything they have. I have found a lot of fun music that way (I love the Gothsicles… have you ever heard of the Gothsicles?? Neather had I till that AMV) After I heard that I went to Itunes and got everything they had. There are some people who do it just cause they can but not all of us are low lifes who just want to steal your stuff.